Thursday, August 25, 2011

Better Man Day #1 - Values

This is going to be the start of a 30 Day Challenge inspired by the Are of Manliness blog. The challenge, over the course of 30 days, is to set yourself up to become a better man. Can I do it? Maybe. Will I try. Absolutely. I kind of need to at this point. Also, I'd like to post some music at the end of every post. So, even if you have absolutely no interest in my transformation into the ultimate male, you'll at least get a taste of some cool music. Suppose you don't like it I don't know what to tell you.

Day #1: Set up a system of values to live by. This will make decisions down the road easier and you will know that you are living through life without an absence of focus.

1. To allow the opportunities afforded to me by my parents to my future children. This takes financial security. Quite literally there was nothing that I could not have done as a child. This sounds like I had bad parents but what I mean is that should I have been chosen to do something that requires time, devotion and money I would have been allowed to do it. There are things that have to get done to make this happen for me and my future offspring.
a. Remain Debt Free. This is important. I have no college loans. I'm lucky. I'd like to keep it this way. This means refraining from going crazy on the credit card.
b. Continuing my education. I've started my MBA application process. On a scale of take it or leave it I could mostly leave it. But I'm being forced to take it. It's a good step. A pain in the ass step, but a good step. This also involves going to workshops and seminars at work. I should be getting my name out there so people think of me as a responsible person. Perception, right?

2. Remain (become?) adventurous and fun. I would like to try any and all opportunities that come my way. Hiking, yes please. Art/Music/Theatre, especially when it's free. You betcha. Eating challenges, I'm there. Farm Crawls, fuck yeah. This also includes my wife coming on these adventures and doing adventures that she would like. From my experience (and watching my parents) the couple that journeys together stays together and enjoys their lives completely.

3. Be a Stand-Up-Guy. Have INTEGRITY. When I say something I want it to have weight. There should be a sense that I know what I'm talking about. For a long time I have been a person who muddles through my life (hence, this challenge), allowing people to make decisions for me. Very seldom do I speak my mind and this has caused a bit of angst. However, for people to start taking what I have to say and my opinions seriously there has to be a steely focus to all of my endeavors. I have to be of the sort to stand up for what I believe is right and necessary. Think John Wayne, only real, and without the poo.

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