Saturday, January 1, 2011

Carlee's Birthday

January the first is a great time for setting goals. Most people don't stick to them. I've seen a stat on this before but I'm tired and lazy this morning and I don't especially want to go look for it. The problem, that I find, is that when people set goals, e.g. I want to lose weight and be healthier, they are non-specific and there is no blue print or plan. You can't randomly decide that today's the day that I'm going to join a gym and start eating healthy (which is a big issue, because a lot of people don't know what is, in fact, healthy food) and then magically the pounds (or kilos to the rest of the world) will start falling off. It's very, very difficult, not impossible, just difficult.
The idea is to have a plan of attack. Create a system in which if you hit mini goals or a new milestone often enough to keep you interested and then the larger goal will come. To all those people with New Years Resolutions, keep at it. Keep working and whatever your goal is will come to you. But you have to do the hard work.

285kg total in the Snatch and Clean and Jerk

Mini-Goals that will help get me there:
Squat 500#'s
DL - 600#'s
Sleep at least 7 hours a night
Eat more veggies

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