Thursday, February 12, 2009


It has been some time since I've done a metcon.  Not that I have anything against them, I don't, I just don't like long ones, which, comparatively speaking, I'm much better at.  So following my max effort snatch and C&J I followed it up with a WOD from the crossfit main site, only with a slight variance.  

AMRAP 10 min
Row 250 meters
SDHP 21x @135#
Muscleups 15x

I ended up getting an even 2 rounds in which I couldn't tell if it was a solid effort or needed a bit more oomph.  

I'm not sure what brought the metcon on.  It couldn't have been that I had extra energy, I'm looking forward to tomorrow's rest day like it was the second coming (although, if I did the research, I'm pretty sure I'd find out that the second coming is probably not a good thing).  The conclusion I have come to is vanity.  I enjoy looking good, having a 6-pack, and all-in-all being sexy.  Don't take me as conceded, I'm trying to make a point.  There once was a time when I had 3% body fat.  It wasn't on purpose, I swear.  Force feeding myself roughly 7000 calories a day was all that I could do to fuel two sports at a time, swimming and water polo, both of which require me to be well conditioned.  I've gotten bigger, from 170 pounds to somewhere in the 190's, and not too much is body fat, 9%, but there are times that I  wish to have my abs show through my shirt when I'm struck by a brisk wind, just like the old days.  
With that said, strength is where it's at.  Even at a little paunchier, my athletic numbers are ridiculously better than they were before.  That's not to say that I don't love a short, painful metcon that leaves me heaving on myself, but I'm glad that I don't spend 6 hours a day in the pool any more.

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