Saturday, March 21, 2009

Kill Da Wabbit

I do love a good Saturday morning cartoon.  It takes me back, just a couple of years, but it reminds me of the times when cartoons were funny and worth watching.  It's amazing then, that our kids (not mine, I don't have any) keep getting fatter and fatter.  You would assume, bad TV would cause a reaction that would force people to do active things, rather than sit in front of the tube and chow down on Cheetos.  I understand watching sports, the plot is always different.  But watching shows like Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice leaves a bad taste in mouth because I've seen that plot line before, in General Hospital, or North by Northwest, or sometimes even Mash.  Nothing on TV, sans Sports (AKA the Mets and NCAA Tourney; rock on KU) is worth watching, so if you're reading this and you have the tube on.  Get off your ass, eat some meat and play outside.  Play some touch football with buddies.  They may look at you funny for suggesting it, but use your powers of persuasion and afterward, 9 times out of 10, they'll ask when they're going to do it next.  Dodgeball, kickball, having a catch, hiking and even arm wrestling are a nice way to get up and do something not by yourself.  It may seem like I'm being contradictory, writing in my basement, alone, but I just got back from a great group workout, am going out to breakfast with my fiancee, am going to help my neighbor get ready for softball season by tossing the ball around, maybe even a little BP if I can find my tarp and have late night plans, none of which involve the boob tube.  Beat that Fatty!

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