Saturday, March 14, 2009

Long Road Home

As mentioned in an earlier post, I'm heading home.  Sure it's to do taxes, but I'm going to see my family.  This is an especially good time because my brother is coming home for spring break as well.  It will be the first time since Christmas that we've all been together.  That may not seem like a very long time until you consider a) I lived at home from November '07 through August of '08 and b) I'm 23 years old and still have a fear of using my parents as a crutch.  They wouldn't mind helping me out, I'm their first born, but I would never want to burden them especially in this economy.  This is visit is also monumental in that my bro (Bryan, by the way) is bringing his girlfriend Rachel over.  They go to school together and from what I hear (I haven't met her... yet) is nothing short of a really sweet girl.  I hope Carlee and Rachel get along.  Jon, the youngest, may feel left out seeing as that he might or might not have broken up with his girlfriend Lila.  
Which brings me to my point.  Carlee, an only child and as far as I can tell 100% female, feels that as the oldest brother it is my duty to instruct Jon on how to cope with a break up.  She believes that is my responsibility to tell him that "there are plenty of fish in the sea" or to ask questions about the break up.  But frankly, I don't care.  He's a sophomore in high school, he's good looking, smart, funny and talented.  He'll be fine.  He knows he'll be fine.  I don't know if he broke up with her or vice versa but it's not that important.  I'm afraid that she'll ask him a lot of probing questions and it'll get out of hand.  If she wants him to like her (she has this fear that my family doesn't like her, which is untrue, which is based on the fact that Carlee visits my house maybe once or twice a year because she's "busy")  she better not ask him dumb questions that a brother won't ask.  I didn't ask Bryan how he felt when he stopped seeing Charlotte or that other girl whose sister was in my grade and he turned out fine.  It's not something that brothers do.  If he's devastated, I'll know and then I will intervene, but until then, he's on his own.  Consider this paving the road towards manhood.  By not asking him questions, by not bringing her up and going out to have a catch with him (an activity ranked in my top 10 most manly things to do) I am, in my mind, and I believe in the minds of most brothers, assisting him in life.  Here's the lesson to all females, don't get involved in your significant other's brother's business.  It's not in your best interest.  If the person you are involved with is unconcerned then you ought not either.  If he is, still, avoid it.  It's not your place, it's his (mine) and he (I) will deal with it if it seems necessary.

Training: Filthy 50 19:45... not my best, but not bad.  Could've worked faster on the burpees, the double unders were atrocious (I have to get over the fear of not using my own jump rope) and the KTE's were slower than anticipated.  I'm really looking forward to a rest day.

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