Thursday, March 26, 2009

TV Time

I've been watching a lot of bad TV.  This happens when engaged, or so I hear.  I've seen Grey's Anatomy this week, as well as Biggest Loser, Intervention...  I'm excited for good TV again, and by good TV I mean the Mets.  I mean the sweet sounds of Gary, Keith and Ron.  I mean figuring out what's coming next from the pitcher, figuring out weaknesses, strengths and wishing that I worked for the organization so that I could somehow be involved in making the team, players, game better.  
This is how I feel about Crossfit and oly lifting.  I used to do bad workouts.  I used to do lat pull downs, the pec deck, leg extensions; that was my bad TV.  Crossfit is my good TV.  Greg Glassman, Mike Burgener, Robb Wolf and Greg Everett are my announcers and some day I hope to be able to change crossfit, make it better and show the world what the human body is capable of.  I've analyzed the big hitters strengths and weaknesses.  Khalipa: bodyweight exercises.  Speal: Heavy stuff because of his size.  Everett: swallow hard because he's probably going to beat you.
The important thing about crossfit is what the future holds.  We don't know where this is headed.  It wasn't that long ago that a sub 3minute Fran earned you the right of fitness God.  Now, people hit sub2 fairly regularly.  The standards have changed.  135 is the new 95 and 225 is the new 135.  Chest to bar pullups are standard and nothing less than ATA will suffice for your squats.  The bar has been raised, the ante upped.  Whichever cliche you prefer, the athletes, yet to be discovered, will no doubt, be helped by these new standards and possibly change the way we see the human body; as a machine, as a powerful engine that can be used to accomplish anything.
However, what happens when the Glassman's pass on.  It's sort of depressing to think about.  Greg, easily, is one of the most charismatic people around.  He is well spoken, endearing and most importantly, a great spokesman.  Will people surfing the internet, looking for a way to workout pass over crossfit because it's fearless leader is gone and there will be far fewer cert videos of him to go around?
I doubt it.  The product will remain the same.  The trainers of tomorrow are sitting in my fiancee's classroom.  Crossfit is an amazing product and now a strong brand name.  The cream always rises to the top and stays there.  This is why Private Practice is going to fail miserably; the acting is terrible, the plot lines absurd and the star of the show is unlikable and a no-talent ass bag.  Crossfit, is like the Mets broadcast.  It has it's leadership (Gary/Greg), it has it's inside information (Ron, Ketih/Rip, Burg) and it's comedy relief (Kevin/Sevan).  There will be enough time for Crossfit to evolve and grow and become the fitness jugernat that it's supposed to be, it will not be cancelled or moved to Friday night.  Crossfit is prime time.  
Now, if somebody wants to help me compare Crossfit to Always Sunny in Philadelphia, I'm all ears.  I'm thinking Speal is the Danny DeVito, but that could just be a height thing.

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