Tuesday, June 16, 2009


As the title of my blog might suggest; I don’t do cardio.  I just don’t.  I spent years of my life dedicated to being fit in the oxidative pathway.  I spent hours upon hours staring at a black line, controlling my breathing and paying attention to pacing.  I swam.  I swam competitively and very well for many years coming within two seconds of Olympic Trials Finals in the 200 butterfly. 

As some might understand, I grew tired of being skinny (ladies, trust me, you look better with a little meat, e.g. Jocelyn Forrest).  This is why I’ve turned to strength training.  It appeals to me as it is something vastly different to what I spent my life doing, something that got me into college and something that I was reasonably good at.  Granted, I was a sprinter more than anything (the 200fly being the exception, I could just suffer longer than others) but I trained long and hard. 

But that’s gone.  My aerobic capacity is null.  And while I don’t regret any part of my training I am becoming a certain type of athlete.  I have pigeon holed myself, again, into being good at one thing and one thing only.  Hopefully I can include some different modes of training that would help me become the broad general athlete that I know I can be and that Crossfit encourages.


Snatch - 3{1@185, 195, 200}

Sn Pull - 2x3 @ 235#

SnDL - 3@255#, 2x2 @ 275#


Back Ext. 3x10

Sprint 8x100m @1:00 - held :15.  I used to do this set swimming and have no problems.  Wow.

Why You Should Do a 5K

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